Yun Si-Hu Dune (2025)

1. Œuvres avec Yun Si-Hu - SensCritique

  • acteur. Sex Is Zero (2002). Saekjeuksigong. 1 h 36 min. Sortie : 11 décembre 2002 (Corée du Sud). Comédie, Romance. Film de Yoon Je-Kyun.

2. 专家人才库数据----Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of ...

  • Education: 2006.9-2010.6: Ph.D. (Ecology). Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2003.9-2006.6: M.S. (Ecology).

  • Xiao-Tao LU  

3. "Land of the Lustrous" UCCA Dune's first summer exhibition - XIBT

  • From April 23 to September 8, 2019, UCCA Dune presents “Land of the Lustrous,” encompassing work by ten artists both in and beyond China.

  • From April 23 to September 8, 2019, UCCA Dune presents “Land of the Lustrous,” encompassing work by ten artists both in and beyond China. Each artwork in this

4. IROS 2024 Program | Author Index

5. Does genotypic diversity of Hydrocotyle vulgaris affect CO2 and ...

  • 9 okt 2023 · Commonly, each stem node has a leaf and a new creeping stem can be formed at the leaf axil (Si et al., 2020). ... dune grasslands (Xue et al., ...

  • Biodiversity plays important roles in ecosystem functions and genetic diversity is a key component of biodiversity. While effects of genetic diversity on ecosystem functions have been extensively documented, no study has tested how genetic diversity ...

Does genotypic diversity of Hydrocotyle vulgaris affect CO2 and ...

6. Magnetic fabric characters of sand-dune sediments and its ...

  • ... dune sediments and its paleowind field in the middle reaches of Yangtze River. ZHANG Yu-Fen 1, ,; LI Chang-An 2,3,; CHEN Liang 1,; KANG Chun-Guo 3,; HU Si-Hui 3 ...

  • Through the measurement of the susceptibility anisotropy and the statistical analysis of the susceptibility ellipsoid′s major axis of the sand dune sediments recently found in Jiujiang, Xingang in Jiangxi Province, this papers uses the variation features of the magnetic fabric parameters in the different strata to obtain the patterns of paleowind direction and the rules governing its evolution. (1) During the whole period the dominant wind direction is NW-SE and NNW-SSE with some minor internal changes in wind direction and intensity. The most important change occurs in the second sand stratum when the wind direction shifted to NE-SW. That shows a relatively stable sedimentary environment.(2) In the second, fifth and sixth sand strata the values of P, F, and L are high, and the value of q is low. That corresponds to the coldest climate in the series. The intensity of the winter wind is the highest and the wind velocity is stable, corresponding to the development of large scale tabular and oblique bedding in these strata with coarser grain sizes and lower clay content. (3) During the Late Pleistocene, the extensive occurrence of aoelian sand dunes in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River correspond to the coldest and most dry climate, and also to the strongest wind energy, similar to that of the northern deserts and loess plateau regions. (4) This paper demonstrates that the hemispherical projection and the rose chart of the AMS major axis are easy and effective methods to a...

7. Soil enzyme activities of the main plant communities in inter-dune ...

  • ... dune lowland of Mu Us ... GUO Bin, GAO Shui-lian, WANG Miao-miao, HU Yun ... XU Rong-rong, GAO Jing, REN Bing-hao, GUAN Si-jing, GE Tian-tian, WANG Nan.

  • In order to explore the change of soil enzyme activities of main plant...

8. Trade-off and synergy among ecosystem services and the ...

  • Discussing the basic ecological relations of sand dune vegetation process [J]. ... YE Junlong, GUO Liang, ZHAO Lufeng, TANG Jianjun, HU Liangliang, CHEN Xin.

  • Ecosystem service (ES) bundle is a combination of various ecosystem se...

9. Determining the level of extra-pair paternity in yellow-bellied prinias, a ...

  • Citation: Zhi-Feng Ding, Chun-Lan Zhang, Wen-Sui Zhang, Qian-Min Yuan, Long-Wu Wang, Gang Ren, En Li, Hui-Jian Hu, Wei Liang. 2021. Determining the level of ...

  • Previous work based on molecular evidence has shown that most socially monogamous birds follow a genetic polyandrous mating system. However, our knowledge about avian mating systems is heavily biased toward the north temperate zone, with data on tropical birds remaining relatively scarce. This uneven distribution of both phylogenetic and spatial sampling has hampered our understanding and interpretation of results. In this study, we investigated the frequency of extra-pair paternity (EPP) in a tropical population of yellow-bellied prinias (Prinia flaviventris) in Guangxi, southern China. A total of 129 individuals belonging to 24 nests were sampled, among which 12 out of 83 chicks (14.46%) in seven nests were found to be EPP offspring. In nests in which all nestlings were sampled, only five out of 56 chicks were EPP offspring, accounting for an unbiased EPP rate of 8.93%. This rate is below the average rate of EPP in the family Sylviidae. The possible causes of EPP in prinias and the occurrence of EPP in birds with high resource investment and intensive parental care are discussed. This study highlights the value of genome-wide markers in determining relatedness in a wild bird species without a reference genome.

Determining the level of extra-pair paternity in yellow-bellied prinias, a ...

10. Book Now - Dune Boutique Hotel Tulum

  • Yun-lin, Viloyati Khatlon, Viloyati Leninobod, Viloyati Mukhtori Kuhistoni ... Nakhon Si Thammarat, Nan, Narathiwat, Nong Bua Lamphu, Nong Khai, Nonthaburi ...

  • Sales & Reservations +52 1 984 209 9136 Front desk and concierge +52 1 984 238 9529 Carretera Tulum-Boca Paila km 7, Zona Hotelera, Tulum (77780), Quintana Roo, Mexico

11. [PDF] arXiv:2410.12464v1 [cs.MA] 16 Oct 2024

  • 16 okt 2024 · ... Si- mona Vasilica Oprea. ... Hongye Jin, Xiaotian Han, Jingfeng Yang, Zhimeng. Jiang, Zirui Liu, Chia-Yuan Chang, Huiyuan Chen, and Xia Hu.

12. Petrological analysis of the lithic fragment in the Kumtagh Desert ...

  • ... dune in the northern region, as well as diluvial platform, dry riverbed, marginal dune ... YUAN Si-hu,JI Gui-xi,LI Wei-min.Provenance analysis of Eocene-Oligocene ...

  • A significant quantity of lithic fragments is observed in the sediment of the Kumtagh Desert, which predominantly comprising coarse- grained materials such as gravel and coarse sand, as a temporary intermediate product of weathering in sedimentary parent rock, the lithic fragments, serve as the most reliable and direct indicator for determining the nature and provenance of the Desert sediments. Methods: we quantitatively analyzed the rock and mineral composition of various landforms in different parts of the Kumtagh Desert, including graben valley terrace, marginal platform, feathery dune in the northern region, as well as diluvial platform, dry riverbed, marginal dune and interdune in the southern region. For the first time in the Kumtagh Desert research history, we employed lithology microscopy identification methods using a large number of multiple samples to obtain results. Results: The findings reveal that there is a diverse range of fine gravel and coarse sand debris types present in the Kumtagh Desert. These include three major classes (igneous rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock), 14 third- grade classes and 121 fifth- grade rocks. The predominant lithologies consist mainly of middle—acid effusive rocks and regional metamorphic rocks such as rhyolite, felsite, andesite, trachyte, quartzite and quartzitic rock. Whether it is a rock or a mineral is closely related to the size of the sand particles, about >90% of the gravel and 50% to 90% of the coarse sand are r...

Yun Si-Hu Dune (2025)


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.